The Australian Government announced its selection of the conventional takeoff and landing (CTOL) F-35A Lightning II to replace its classic Hornet fighter fleet in 2009 with every F-35 built contains parts and components manufactured in Australia. Local companies such as JL2 have been realising the benefits of the JSF Industry Program delivering aeronautical and systems engineering, project management and business transformation services since 2010.

The Australian JSF program identified the need for a flexible and adaptive deployable mission planning and maintenance capability to allow this highly sophisticated 5th generation platform and it’s supporting mission systems to deploy and operate domestically and internationally.

JL2 Lead System Engineers working within the Defence Capability and Acquisition Group (CASG) developed a unique containerised solution designed specifically for the RAAF’s requirements for security, communication and portability in a range of different environments.

Commencing in early 2017 senior Systems Engineers from JL2 led the CASG acquisition and engineering process through the specification, design, development and delivery of the first of the deployable containers. This exciting new capability comprises a Deployed ICT Facility (DIF) hosting the core information systems required for maintenance and mission planning for the F-35A. The DIF is partnered with a fully expandable Deployed Duty Facility (DDF) from which all F-35A operations can be conducted in the extreme environments of modern theatres of conflict.

The first of these containers was successfully delivered by local Newcastle supplier Varley Group and US defence leader Lockheed Martin in April, 2018.

Left: JL2 Team Engineering Lead undertaking pre deployment trials of the Deployable Facilities at RAAF Base Williamtown

Right: Together will elements of the F-35 Air Combat Transition Office, JL2 lead the operational deployment trials at RAAF Base Williamtown in Nov 2018.